With the "Kattobi" ball bearing tuning kit you get a premium ball bearing set from Japan for your baitcaster reel. The kit includes 2 ball bearings with the bearing size 1030Air (3mm x 10mm x 4mm).

The small ceramic balls are installed so precisely in the housing that they start to tarnish even with the slightest weight. This means that the fishing reel performs incredibly well and has an extremely high speed and very smooth running.
Squeeze out the last bit of meter!
The Air Ceramic Ball Bearing Set is aimed at anglers with light baits who primarily throw baits of 1 - 28 g. With the ball bearing you achieve on average 10 - 30% more throwing distance. It doesn't sound like much, but with a casting distance of 30 m you get up to 9 m more out of your reel compared to factory ball bearings. This allows you to fish spots that were previously out of your casting range.

Why use tuning camps?
In general, ball bearings that are installed in the roller at the factory often do not have good rotation properties because a lot of grease and dust prevent smooth running.
The AIR Ceramic Tuning Kit is oiled as standard, Hedgehog Studio 's own Alchemy oil ensures the perfect balance between oil and ball bearings.
The "Kattobi" bearings are subjected to quality control, for this reason they are checked by hand after assembly and only the bearings with an excellent rotation performance are checked > are allowed to leave the house.
Therefore it is not necessary to clean or lubricate the ball bearings. The ball bearings can be used out of the box.
Compatible Roles (click me)
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- 13 OCEA Calcutta
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