RL-Angelrollentuning is an online shop run by enthusiastic tackle nerds from Berlin.
We want to make Tuning and Customization of angel equipment accessible to each of you. To do this, we order products that you could only import with difficulty, time-consuming, and expensive on your own, or perhaps never had on your radar.
We will continuously expand our range to surprise you with new products.
"Our main focus is on the quality and usefulness of the product - everyone should be able to find the right accessories - whether you have a tight budget or are looking for the finest high-end parts. We do not limit ourselves to a specific price category."
"If you're missing something in our shop, feel free to let us know - we'll check for you if we can get that hot stuff."
Currently, in our view, there are still far too few opportunities in Germany and Europe to customize fishing equipment according to one's needs - we want to change that. Our goal is therefore, in the long term, to find local manufacturers in addition to the brands you already know and to source parts regionally.
"In addition, we want to offer a pampering program for your reel, because over time, dust and dirt accumulate in the moving small parts. We dedicate ourselves to the cleaning and maintenance of your fishing reel when you lack the time or know-how yourself."
"We are all anglers out of passion, passionate street fishers, what else is there to do in Berlin? 😋 Therefore, our interest in ever better tackle is also growing, we want to get more out of our equipment."
"Of course, we want to stand out - because let's be honest, we anglers are proud of our catches and our tackle and want to present them to the world - there is absolutely nothing wrong with that."
"Our hobby connects us, calms us (most of the time anyway 😉), friendships are formed, and adventures are experienced - that is what always draws us back to the water."
The team

is our all-round heroine. She takes care of shipping, customer support, and bureaucratic matters. Additionally, she ensures super beautiful product photos that showcase our offerings in the best light. Without her, the daily madness in the office would not be manageable. With her friendly and always cheerful demeanor, she is there to assist you with advice and action.

is the founder and managing director of RL-Angelrollentuning. He takes care of the entire online shop, purchasing as well as sales, creates videos, graphics, and product designs, and is responsible for marketing and social media. He is also the contact person in customer service and the man for the modification and maintenance of the reels. Danny is an enthusiastic angler and prefers to fish in Berlin on the Spree, the Dahme, and surrounding areas. When he is not busy realizing new products and ideas, he speeds around on the Spree with his small aluminum boat - always in search of the ONE big perch.
And here we are: A colorful bunch of tackle freaks and fishing enthusiasts who have made it their mission to make your fishing experience unforgettable. Come visit us and get inspired! 🎣