Razor-sharp look and wafer-thin, that's the Blade Titanium Handle from Gomexus!
According to the manufacturer, it is the thinnest handle in the world and designed specifically for BFS anglers.
The crank for your baitcaster weighs just 27 g and is made of a titanium alloy, whichotherwise only used in aerospace.
The elegant handle is equipped with 2 Galaxy Titanium Flame Knobs , which are very slim and thanks to their shape they adapt very well to the angler's thumb and fingers. This gives you a very good grip and allows you to continue fishing without any problems even in wet weather.
The handle is ultra-light and yet extremely robust - ideal for the ultra light anglers among you who are after perch and trout.
The thin crank greatly improves the bite indicator; you can feel every movement and every tug on your fishing lure, no matter how small. This increases your chance of catching enormously because you can make the first attempt much earlier. It's just a lot of fun to experience what the bait does underwater and get up close and personal with the predators.
Steeze, Zillion, SS Air, Air Stream Custom
Abu Garcia
Silver Max, Revo SX STX
for a detailed search please also look at the compatibility list for handles with 8x5 mm bore
The crank handles are available from us 7x4mm Hole or 8x5mm hole.
Gomexus Blade Titanium 100mm Handle mit 22 mm Titanium Flame Knobs (8x5mm)
71,96 €
89,95 €
Unit price /
Razor-sharp look and wafer-thin, that's the Blade Titanium Handle from Gomexus!
According to the manufacturer, it is the thinnest handle in the world and designed specifically for BFS anglers.
The crank for your baitcaster weighs just 27 g and is made of a titanium alloy, whichotherwise only used in aerospace.
The elegant handle is equipped with 2 Galaxy Titanium Flame Knobs , which are very slim and thanks to their shape they adapt very well to the angler's thumb and fingers. This gives you a very good grip and allows you to continue fishing without any problems even in wet weather.
The handle is ultra-light and yet extremely robust - ideal for the ultra light anglers among you who are after perch and trout.
The thin crank greatly improves the bite indicator; you can feel every movement and every tug on your fishing lure, no matter how small. This increases your chance of catching enormously because you can make the first attempt much earlier. It's just a lot of fun to experience what the bait does underwater and get up close and personal with the predators.
Steeze, Zillion, SS Air, Air Stream Custom
Abu Garcia
Silver Max, Revo SX STX
for a detailed search please also look at the compatibility list for handles with 8x5 mm bore
The crank handles are available from us 7x4mm Hole or 8x5mm hole.